AECOsim Building Designer Help

To place a corbel/haunch

  1. Select ( Place Corbel/Haunch ).

    The Place Corbel/Haunch dialog appears.

  2. Complete the corbel dimension information.
  3. Click Select Parent, then in a view, select the parent (the element to which the corbel/haunch will be attached). Click again to accept the parent.

    The Parent Data section of the Place Corbel/Haunch dialog is filled in.

  4. Click Place to begin placement of the corbel/haunch.

    The figure in the dialog changes to show you how to click in the placement of the corbel/haunch.

  5. Click on the parent to indicate the top of the corbel/haunch.
  6. Pull the mouse out to indicate the direction of the corbel/haunch.
  7. Select another parent and place another corbel/haunch, or close the dialog to exit the tool.